This past Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, Nora and I did our annual backpacking trip to Pamelia Lake. We had a lovely time as usual, but for some reason, the hike to the top of Grizzly Peak seemed harder than usual. Was it really harder or are we just a tad bit older? Hmmmm . . . . Still, Nora wants to keep going back each year and I’m all in. We’ve been going since 2019, with the exception of 2020. In 2021, we spread my father’s ashes there, which is where he worked in the forest service for two summers as a fire-watch. Once the area became a designated Wilderness Area, the cabin he lived in and the fire lookout was taken down, but the evidence of their presence is still there. Bugs were minimal, the book we brought to read was good, many Taylor Swift lyrics were discussed, and the dreams and hopes of a 14-year-old about to start high school bubbled up regularly. Lovely time with a super young woman.

Ready to go!

Our simple campsite – and our favorite at the lake. We try to get this one each year and we lucked out once again.

I head down to the lake in the mornings with my coffee, a journal and book to read. On this morning, the clouds were dripping down the mountains and it was cool and beautiful.

I forgot part of the coffee making kit so my pour over was more like Cowboy Coffee, made by tossing the grounds into the hot water. Still, it was good.

The day in between going in and coming out, we do the hike up to the top of Grizzly Peak. It’s a three mile hike with almost 2000 feet of elevation gain. We bring grub, water and enjoy the view from the top.

We made it! Mt. Jefferson is the second tallest peak in Oregon at 10,502 feet. A beautiful peak, as we look at it from Grizzly Peak.

In the evening after the hike, Nora spent some time drawing.

Calm lakeside morning.

Heading out, with Avocado Man attached to the back of the pack! It’s always good to travel with a stuffed companion. 🙂