
Posts from the “writing” Category

Pamelia Lake – 2024

Posted on July 24, 2024

This past Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, Nora and I did our annual backpacking trip to Pamelia Lake. We had a lovely time as usual, but for some reason, the hike to the top of Grizzly Peak seemed harder than usual. Was it really harder or are we just a tad bit older? Hmmmm . . . . Still, Nora wants to keep going back each year and I’m all in. We’ve been going since 2019, with the exception of 2020. In 2021, we spread my father’s ashes there, which is where he worked in the forest service for two summers as a fire-watch. Once the area became a designated Wilderness Area, the cabin he lived in and the fire lookout was taken down, but…

Butte to Butte, reading & lego

Posted on July 8, 2024

I ran in the Butte-To-Butte 10k run on the 4th of July. It was the 50th anniversary of the race here in Eugene and it was super fun. I also began and finished a new novel by one of my favorite writers, Joe Wilkins, called, The Entire Sky. Truly a story of the 90s, of Montana, of growing up and old and changing families. A very good read. Plus some labor to build a softball pitching area in the field behind my house for Nora & finally, revisiting building with legos! At the end of the race with a few runners from the Big Timber Running Club The Entire Sky. Beautiful, simply put. My friend Tom and I went to a reading by Joe…

Permits and Poets

Posted on April 4, 2023

Today: logged into recreation.gov to get the permit for our annual backpacking trip this summer. They became available this morning at 7:00 am where they release 60% of them now and then start releasing the remainders on a 7 day rolling average. Permits are good, I think. It puts some friction into the process of getting into the backcountry and limits overuse. Tonight I participated / listened to a Substack Zoom call by poet and writer, Sherman Alexie. I have always enjoyed his work and it was a treat to be in a room with a few of his friends and fans to listen to him read and talk about his work. We are heading in during the heat of the summer, but hopefully…